Sabtu, 21 April 2012

Isn't it time to change your mind?

We're told that we have to change the way we think to change our lives. Well, if true, what should we think about and how do we change our thoughts? I've created this special study called "Change Your Mind" to help you think in ways that are more productive and purposeful using various scriptures from God's word as your guide.

Have you ever stopped to think that everything around you – even everything in your own life – first began with a thought? It began either as a thought in the mind of God or a thought in your own mind. What awesome power lies in our minds! Few of us ever stop to consider the power of our own thoughts and attitudes, but the Bible proclaims that we are the content of our thoughts!

“…For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” ~Proverbs 23:7 (NKJV)

It has been said that the only difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is how they think. After all, everyone has the same number of hours in the day, right? It’s how we use them that makes the most difference and our actions come from our thoughts. As Believers, we even all serve the same God leading Dr. Charles Stanley to say “we will largely become what we think about.”

I want you to purchase this study and learn how to elevate your level of thinking about your present situation, your challenges and your future! ORDER LINK

Here's some feedback from one of the first to download this program!

"It was great. I always try to practice right thinking but "productive thinking" took it to another level for me. It really is about our mental diet. I realized that my thinking was not only repetitive, but unproductive. There were no new patterns of thought as you said. What I was thinking a particular day was the exact same thing I was thinking the day before and the day before that and so forth. So I was able to take the scriptures that you went over and created daily affirmations from them. Now I recognize the thought, but don't get stuck in it. I was blessed." ~KP

Inside the study, I discuss proper thinking about yourself, your God, your circumstances and your future in practical and encouraging ways. You need this!!

For example...I show you how...

1. God will often show you more for your future well before you possess your future.
2. The future that God has for you is going to be abundant.
3. The future that God has for you is going to be intimidating.
4. You are able to take possession of the future God has for you!

Now...the next thing I want you to do is invest a little under $5 in changing your mind so you can begin to change your path!

I would also be honored if you would SUBSCRIBE (using the form to the right on this blog!) and also leave me your comments so I know how to serve you better!! If this was helpful, forward it to a friend. Talk to you soon! Please subscribe and visit me on my Live BIG! Die Empty. Facebook page!!

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