Selasa, 03 April 2012

Are you with me or against me?

I hate to sound even remotely "negative" and if you know me, you know that. However, I need to reiterate my earlier post from my Live BIG! Die Empty. Facebook Page with a little bit of an explanation. I said "People who insist on measuring you only according to your past MUST NOT be allowed to be a part of your future!" It might be time to draw a line in the sand.

Your environment matters. A lot! One of the most limiting factors in many of your lives are external to you. The thoughts and opinions of you from those around you matter. They really do. They can either restrict you or free you to grow and excel. Heck, the Bible said that even Jesus couldn't do many miracles in his hometown. It's vital and fearful to take careful account of those with whom you work, socialize and even worship. You will become more and more like those you spend more and more of your time with!

We've talked about this before. Do you need further anecdotal evidence? Studies show that most fortunes are made AFTER a person physically moves to a new city/environment. Read books like The Millionaire Next Door and see what the authors have to say about the power of what I call "positive peer pressure" in your life. All of us need an opportunity to define ourselves and set our path solely based on the Creator's design for us and what He's placed in our hearts.

Back to my original point. Sadly, there are those who will only allow you to be what you WERE when you're around them. You're going to have to decide if that's acceptable to you. I'm not suggesting you cut off everyone, move to the other side of the planet and start over. There probably is someone, however, to whom you need to limit your exposure. On the other hand, the right people will push you to greater and greater heights!

Be careful to keep yourself around people who expect nothing but excellence from you. That's a key to Living BIG! and Dying Empty.

Please leave me your comments so I know how to serve you better!! If this was helpful, forward it to a friend. Talk to you soon! Please subscribe and visit me on my Live BIG! Die Empty. Facebook page!!

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