Focus first on finding where YOU can add value as opposed to where value can be added to you and watch how you're blessed from it! We had a good conversation about this on my Live BIG Die Empty Facebook page recently. The common wisdom these days is all about what people can do for you...
What a horrible testimony! Listen to my Google+ Hangout with Don Purdum this week as we talk about consuming vs. producing and what this has to do with healthy relationships and successful business.
I really think you'll enjoy this talk. Let me know what you think.
Mark Anthony McCray helps people live on PURPOSE, achieve higher PERFORMANCE and experience true PROSPERITY. Be sure to subscribe to this blog so you don't miss a thing and forward this to a friend if you found it helpful. All material © Copyright, Mark Anthony McCray unless otherwise noted!
He can be reached in the following ways:
Phone: 281-846-5720
Twitter: @LiveBIGDieEmpty
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/LiveBIGDieEmpty
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/markanthonymccray/
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YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/markanthonymccray
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For more information on Mark as a speaker or presenter check out http://livebigdieempty.blogspot.com/p/about-mark_29.html
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