Senin, 31 Oktober 2011
7 Ways to Make Social Media Work Harder for You
1. First of all, you want to make sure you've created and updated profiles on all of the most popular social media sites. If you have, you want to connect to well-connected people so the power of their networks will begin to work for you. The most popular, of course, is far. But there's also LinkedIn, Twitter and the fast-growing Google+. Here are links to connect with me. I'd be proud to know you and I share tips and resources all the time!
Mark Anthony McCray on Facebook
Mark Anthony McCray on Twitter
Mark Anthony McCray on LinkedIn
Mark Anthony McCray on Google+
2. You will want to create a page for your business if you don't have one. It's easy. Facebook shows you how. Then invite your current contacts to connect with you. You can email all of your non-Facebook contacts and invite them to "Like" your Facebook fan or business page! Here's how:
1. Click on "Edit Page" to the upper right once you are on your business page.
2. On the left, you will see a menu of options. Click on "Resources"
3. You will see a few more options to the right. Click on "Tell Your Fans"
4. You will see options to contact your Yahoo!, Comcast, AOL and other address books there.
5. You can also contact up to 5000 people from your Outlook Address Book if you choose "Other Tools" and upload your Outlook address book. LinkedIn is one of your options, as well!
Good luck! This should help your social media marketing be more successful if you can reconnect with people who you've known and done business with outside of Facebook!
3. Once you have reached 25 connections on your Facebook page, Facebook allows you to shorten the domain to something more attractive. Use this link to shorten your web domains on Facebook: and be selective. You can only do this once.
4. You can use a site like to have some graphics made for you such as logos and product mock-ups. There are dozens of artists and other regular people who will do all kinds of neat things for you for only $5. I've used it myself several times with great results!
5. Did you know you can download a copy of everything you've ever posted on Facebook? I just did and I have a file of all my Status Updates, etc since 2008! This is a great things because I am going to be able to go back and capture some of the best stuff for use in my blogs and other writings! If you click on "Account Settings" on your Home page, you'll see an option to "Download a copy" of your Facebook data. Just follow the instructions and you'll receive an email with a backup copy of all your photos, messages, status updates and more shortly.
6. I may be the last person to discover this, but if you add Klout for Google Chrome to your browser (assuming you use Chrome, as I do) it shows you everyone's Klout score as you Tweet. Your's too! Klout at the Chrome Webstore I like it because watching my score touches my competitive side and, more importantly, keeps me accountable to stay engaged with my contacts.
7. FINALLY....Join my Facebook Experts Group....If you are a writer, speaker, coach, trainer, author or ANYTHING that fits into the "Expert" market space, you need to be a part of this group! Nothing against motivational quotes and scriptures, but that's not what this group is for. This group is all about "shop talk" and exchanging tips, resources, etc. that will HELP YOU BUILD YOUR BUSINESS.
Join us and please add someone else who you think will be a great resource and/or recipient! The philosophy of this page is simple...if you know where the water is, point it out to other thirsty folks!!!
Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011
Marketing for BIG Impact with small Dollars
I've been keeping a small file of marketing ideas especially for entrepreneurs and small business owners for years. Many I've used myself and some I've either seen other business owners use. All are effective and all require you to actually DO SOMETHING!! But they don't necessarily cost a lot of money. You might be surprised at how much impact you can generate for a few bucks.
Before we get going, you might want to read some of my previous blogs on marketing so you know where I'm coming from. One is called "The Ten Commandments of Marketing Yourself, Your Product or Your Services" and it will give you a baseline understanding of my philosophies regarding marketing.
Another that you'll want to check out is called "The Nine Most Powerful Words You Can Utter" and I've also written an article about using social media effectively called "Mark's 10 Be's of Social Media" and I'd love your feedback on any of them! I think there's helpful information for you. My heart goes out to the entrepreneur. Believe me. I understand the challenges of generating business from scratch!
Here's a list of some cheap, cheap tactics you can use now!
1. If you are targeting local businesses or offices, go to a cookie place and buy one of those HUGE cookies. Have them paint your name and number on the cookie using icing. Deliver it in person. Everyone will be talking about you for days! It's important NOT TO USE SMALL COOKIES. You want to use a big cookie because they are too big for one person to eat alone...forcing at least a few conversations about you and your company!
2. Hold a contest. A simple contest or questionnaire will work even without a prize...or much of a prize. For example, email or use social media to ask people what you should call your company. Tell them your top three choices for names or logos. Ask for their feedback. People are always glad to share their opinions and, in the process, you will have an opportunity to tell them all about your practice. It works!
3. It's an overlooked tactic because it takes a little work, but make some cheap flyers and pass them out door-to-door. If you want to turn it up a notch, approach other companies and offer to deliver their flyers for them! If you can get just a few to say "yes" it will pay for your own flyers right away. Want to turn it up another notch? Get some neighborhood kids to hang them on doors for you. Just don't litter! I don't want any calls from jail. I've done this one before. It works really well if you need to move some feet to your business location.
4. Hire an artist (Craigslist will do just fine.) to use chalk to draw your company name and logo on a busy street downtown with directions to your shop or to your website. People will think it's neat. They will remember. Take a bunch of pictures for your social media site. Tweet it. Fun is memorable! It's cheap, too. You can always find a local college student who will be willing to the job for you.
5. I like to call T-Shirts walking billboards because they are cheap and always tell a story. Give some away. Make it a big deal or some kind of contest. You only need a dozen or two and that few can be had for not much at all. People like free things. Plus they have what I call "trophy value" if you do a contest. People will be glad to tell others how they won it every time. It's a win for you. Just be sure to include your website in the design.
Got any ideas you want to add? Please email and I can include them in a future blog or update! The bottom line is you can't be afraid to do something different. Getting people to talk about you is part of the point! Marketing Outrageously by Jon Spoelstra is an excellent and fun read to help you break out of the normal ways of thinking about marketing.
Of course, I have to make one more mention. I wrote an EBook called "10 Ultimate No B.S. #MonsterTips to Help You Sell More and Earn More Money NOW!" and it's important because you have to know how to close the business once people start calling you. Please purchase a copy if you need more business!
Before we get going, you might want to read some of my previous blogs on marketing so you know where I'm coming from. One is called "The Ten Commandments of Marketing Yourself, Your Product or Your Services" and it will give you a baseline understanding of my philosophies regarding marketing.
Another that you'll want to check out is called "The Nine Most Powerful Words You Can Utter" and I've also written an article about using social media effectively called "Mark's 10 Be's of Social Media" and I'd love your feedback on any of them! I think there's helpful information for you. My heart goes out to the entrepreneur. Believe me. I understand the challenges of generating business from scratch!
Here's a list of some cheap, cheap tactics you can use now!
1. If you are targeting local businesses or offices, go to a cookie place and buy one of those HUGE cookies. Have them paint your name and number on the cookie using icing. Deliver it in person. Everyone will be talking about you for days! It's important NOT TO USE SMALL COOKIES. You want to use a big cookie because they are too big for one person to eat alone...forcing at least a few conversations about you and your company!
2. Hold a contest. A simple contest or questionnaire will work even without a prize...or much of a prize. For example, email or use social media to ask people what you should call your company. Tell them your top three choices for names or logos. Ask for their feedback. People are always glad to share their opinions and, in the process, you will have an opportunity to tell them all about your practice. It works!
3. It's an overlooked tactic because it takes a little work, but make some cheap flyers and pass them out door-to-door. If you want to turn it up a notch, approach other companies and offer to deliver their flyers for them! If you can get just a few to say "yes" it will pay for your own flyers right away. Want to turn it up another notch? Get some neighborhood kids to hang them on doors for you. Just don't litter! I don't want any calls from jail. I've done this one before. It works really well if you need to move some feet to your business location.
4. Hire an artist (Craigslist will do just fine.) to use chalk to draw your company name and logo on a busy street downtown with directions to your shop or to your website. People will think it's neat. They will remember. Take a bunch of pictures for your social media site. Tweet it. Fun is memorable! It's cheap, too. You can always find a local college student who will be willing to the job for you.
5. I like to call T-Shirts walking billboards because they are cheap and always tell a story. Give some away. Make it a big deal or some kind of contest. You only need a dozen or two and that few can be had for not much at all. People like free things. Plus they have what I call "trophy value" if you do a contest. People will be glad to tell others how they won it every time. It's a win for you. Just be sure to include your website in the design.
Got any ideas you want to add? Please email and I can include them in a future blog or update! The bottom line is you can't be afraid to do something different. Getting people to talk about you is part of the point! Marketing Outrageously by Jon Spoelstra is an excellent and fun read to help you break out of the normal ways of thinking about marketing.
Of course, I have to make one more mention. I wrote an EBook called "10 Ultimate No B.S. #MonsterTips to Help You Sell More and Earn More Money NOW!" and it's important because you have to know how to close the business once people start calling you. Please purchase a copy if you need more business!
Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011
Business plan writing service

stages: summary of business, purpose, product presentation, product market analysis (sales strategies, customer profile, strategies to promote), competition analysis, SWOT analysis (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities , Threats), presentation of the required capital, achieving financial plan (sales and profit situation for 3-4 years) and Additionals (Additional product information, brochures, market research data).
Such a service can be promoted through a website and customer data can be obtained by e-mail. The delivery price plan will be established depending on the complexity of the business (for example if a product in the technical field that requires advanced presentation technology research and production, then the price will be higher than for a business plan showing a service implementation of business plans).
Resources needed: - information and willingness to travel for information purpose
- PC
- Minimum PC knowledge
Advantages: - it is an essential service for anyone who wants to start a business
- The investment is very small
- With time and by gaining experience, the time invested will be reduced
Disadvantages: - if it is well promoted, this activity does not have disadvantages
Conclusions: A business plan is essential for any starting entrepreneur, but many entrepreneurs start their first experience without a plan, thus leading them to an inevitable failure. Therefore, such a high quality service, if practiced at an affordable price, it can be very successful and can provide acceptable income for anyone deciding to invest in such an activity.
- PC
- Minimum PC knowledge
Advantages: - it is an essential service for anyone who wants to start a business
- The investment is very small
- With time and by gaining experience, the time invested will be reduced
Disadvantages: - if it is well promoted, this activity does not have disadvantages
Conclusions: A business plan is essential for any starting entrepreneur, but many entrepreneurs start their first experience without a plan, thus leading them to an inevitable failure. Therefore, such a high quality service, if practiced at an affordable price, it can be very successful and can provide acceptable income for anyone deciding to invest in such an activity.
Soup Stand

business manager. The sale can be achieved in the form of a fast-food and the fact that these soup-establishments are scarce in many countries leads us to thinking that it can lead to a successful franchise. From the beginning you should put great emphasis on the choice of the name (short and expressive like "hot soup", "soup stand", "soup to go," etc.).
Resources needed: - documentation regarding the desire of the target public
- Documentation in terms of recipes
- Renting a small high-traffic location
- Acquisition of the necessary tableware
- Achieving the desired logo
- Acquisition of cardboard containers imprinted with logo
- Procurement of ingredients and testing recipes until they reach the best possible quality.
Advantages: - non-existent in our market
- Though investment is quite high, a considerable advantage is that the added profit is very high
- Low cost ingredients
- Possibilities of franchising
Disadvantages: - renting a location in a high-traffic area may be expensive
Conclusion: A good business plan and expansion can make this business a successful franchise.
- Renting a small high-traffic location
- Acquisition of the necessary tableware
- Achieving the desired logo
- Acquisition of cardboard containers imprinted with logo
- Procurement of ingredients and testing recipes until they reach the best possible quality.
Advantages: - non-existent in our market
- Though investment is quite high, a considerable advantage is that the added profit is very high
- Low cost ingredients
- Possibilities of franchising
Disadvantages: - renting a location in a high-traffic area may be expensive
Conclusion: A good business plan and expansion can make this business a successful franchise.
Creating and selling tea recipies

relaxing, refreshing, energetic, soothing, etc. or depending on the composition of the tea. Great attention has to be given to the selection of the plants that will be mixed, because not all existing plants are tested and fully accepted as beneficial to consumers.
Resources needed: - acquisition of dry plants in bags
- Establishing a marketing plan
- Establishing and packaging a design
- Establishing names and recipes
- Small surveys can be made between friends for determining optimal marketing tastes.
- Creating a logo
- Promotion through a website and niche stores
Advantages: -it is a natural product
- The investment is relatively small
- Mixing and product packaging can be made in one’s own home
- Natural products are and will become increasingly popular
- Sale prices are quite high compared to the investment
Disadvantages: - problems can occur in incompliance with legal issues regarding the use of plants that have not yet been tested.
Conclusions: Such a business can be easily performed at home, and a growing consumer market for natural products makes this business worth trying.
Senin, 24 Oktober 2011
Whatever you say about yourself, you are right!
It has been said that the only difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is how they think. After all, everyone has the same number of hours in the day, right? All people have had the same challenges. But do we truly become what we think about? How so? If that is true, we must really do a better job of examining and managing our thoughts.
I’ve always found Numbers, Chapter 13 to be an excellent passage to read and use as a mirror regarding my own thinking. It relates the story of Moses sending spies to look at the Promised Land, its inhabitants, its fortifications and its fruit prior to Israel going into it. As you come to the end of it, you see the horrible tragedy of negative self-perception in action.
The majority of the men – the Bible says they were leaders from among the tribes – did not believe they could be successful displacing the natives and walking into what the Lord had promised them. Only two dissented. Caleb, in verse 30, spoke in terms of what they WOULD do, not just could do. The others had what teachers call “the grasshopper mentality” meaning they saw themselves as small and were convinced that others saw them as small, too.
Whatever you say about yourself, you are right!
I am not like the spies with the evil report. I am a Godly optimist. I work to believe and expect the best all the time. It’s a chore. I get down like everyone else. However, when it comes to things like destiny and promise, I endeavor to believe God. So, I take some tremendous positive lessons from this pericope. Four thoughts to be specific:
1. God will often show you more for your future well before you possess your future. Just like Moses sending spies out into the Promised Land to get a report, I believe you have seen a glimpse or been told of great things ahead for yourself. Sometimes they come in the form of dreams…or prophecies. However they come, they can be quite stirring to the point where you can almost see yourself there.
2. The future that God has for you is going to be abundant. The future that God has for you isn’t one of lack or struggle. He wants good for you and your family. He isn’t going to plan danger and harm for His children. He is a good Father. Jesus discussed this often. God doesn’t “have it in” for you. He is working to set up circumstances to bless you.
3. The future that God has for you is going to be intimidating. No one said it’s going to be easy. You will have opponents if you’re attempting anything big, anything grand, anything worthwhile. In business, they say profit invites competitors. It is the same concept. If it’s good, other people will either want it or not want you to have it. It may not be fair, but it is life.
4. You are able to take possession of the future God has for you! You can do it. The reason you can do it is because your future is promised to you and God isn’t going to send you into the battles alone. Just like with Israel, there may be several battles but you will win them all as you keep God first and move in obedience. You can do it!
At the end of the day, it’s like the old Gospel song. Whose report will you believe? I choose to believe for the best. It’s hard. Very hard. Sometimes you will have to have faith through the tears. Still, have faith! What you think and say about yourself and your situation matter for everything! Before you can move into your next season of life, you must convince yourself that your end is going to be better than your present. You have to know that God is with you and has not abandoned you. You have to know there will be profit in all the hard work you put in.
Allow me to partner with you for real change!
I know you will find something in "Live BIG! Die Empty" that will help you. I pray your life is never the same after reading this just as my life has changed through the process of writing it. That was part of my goal. I wanted to change my life so thoroughly and completely and understand everything that was happening so I could offer you – every reader and audience – the same outcomes or better. I am standing in agreement with you for the absolute best for your life whoever and wherever you are!
Order now for only $17.95 plus handling (Regular Price $27.95) for a 36% savings with PayPal and receive BOTH the eBook and also a personally signed printed copy within a few weeks in time for you to give it as a Christmas gift (if you don't want to keep it and re-read it for yourself)!
Please remember to "Like" us on Facebook, too!
I know with this book the Lord has given me a number of keys and tools to help you be more of who you have been created to be. It's not just about having more. It's not just about being more. It's about being YOU!
PS - If you prefer to pay via check, you can send $19.95 to PO Box 377, Fresno TX 77545
I’ve always found Numbers, Chapter 13 to be an excellent passage to read and use as a mirror regarding my own thinking. It relates the story of Moses sending spies to look at the Promised Land, its inhabitants, its fortifications and its fruit prior to Israel going into it. As you come to the end of it, you see the horrible tragedy of negative self-perception in action.
The majority of the men – the Bible says they were leaders from among the tribes – did not believe they could be successful displacing the natives and walking into what the Lord had promised them. Only two dissented. Caleb, in verse 30, spoke in terms of what they WOULD do, not just could do. The others had what teachers call “the grasshopper mentality” meaning they saw themselves as small and were convinced that others saw them as small, too.
Whatever you say about yourself, you are right!
I am not like the spies with the evil report. I am a Godly optimist. I work to believe and expect the best all the time. It’s a chore. I get down like everyone else. However, when it comes to things like destiny and promise, I endeavor to believe God. So, I take some tremendous positive lessons from this pericope. Four thoughts to be specific:
1. God will often show you more for your future well before you possess your future. Just like Moses sending spies out into the Promised Land to get a report, I believe you have seen a glimpse or been told of great things ahead for yourself. Sometimes they come in the form of dreams…or prophecies. However they come, they can be quite stirring to the point where you can almost see yourself there.
2. The future that God has for you is going to be abundant. The future that God has for you isn’t one of lack or struggle. He wants good for you and your family. He isn’t going to plan danger and harm for His children. He is a good Father. Jesus discussed this often. God doesn’t “have it in” for you. He is working to set up circumstances to bless you.
3. The future that God has for you is going to be intimidating. No one said it’s going to be easy. You will have opponents if you’re attempting anything big, anything grand, anything worthwhile. In business, they say profit invites competitors. It is the same concept. If it’s good, other people will either want it or not want you to have it. It may not be fair, but it is life.
4. You are able to take possession of the future God has for you! You can do it. The reason you can do it is because your future is promised to you and God isn’t going to send you into the battles alone. Just like with Israel, there may be several battles but you will win them all as you keep God first and move in obedience. You can do it!
At the end of the day, it’s like the old Gospel song. Whose report will you believe? I choose to believe for the best. It’s hard. Very hard. Sometimes you will have to have faith through the tears. Still, have faith! What you think and say about yourself and your situation matter for everything! Before you can move into your next season of life, you must convince yourself that your end is going to be better than your present. You have to know that God is with you and has not abandoned you. You have to know there will be profit in all the hard work you put in.
Allow me to partner with you for real change!
I know you will find something in "Live BIG! Die Empty" that will help you. I pray your life is never the same after reading this just as my life has changed through the process of writing it. That was part of my goal. I wanted to change my life so thoroughly and completely and understand everything that was happening so I could offer you – every reader and audience – the same outcomes or better. I am standing in agreement with you for the absolute best for your life whoever and wherever you are!
Order now for only $17.95 plus handling (Regular Price $27.95) for a 36% savings with PayPal and receive BOTH the eBook and also a personally signed printed copy within a few weeks in time for you to give it as a Christmas gift (if you don't want to keep it and re-read it for yourself)!
Please remember to "Like" us on Facebook, too!
I know with this book the Lord has given me a number of keys and tools to help you be more of who you have been created to be. It's not just about having more. It's not just about being more. It's about being YOU!
PS - If you prefer to pay via check, you can send $19.95 to PO Box 377, Fresno TX 77545
Senin, 17 Oktober 2011
Business Advice From King Solomon The Wise
Every fall, during the Jewish holiday of Sukkot, Jewish tradition calls for a reading of the book of Kohelet – a canon of Jewish Scripture known to English readers as Ecclesiastes. Kohelet was authored by King Solomon, reputed to be the wisest of all men, whose reign over the
The words of Kohelet have had a great many modern day admirers. The great 20th century novelist, Thomas Wolfe, called it “the greatest single piece of writing I have ever known, and the wisdom expressed in it the most lasting and profound.”
The song “Turn, Turn, Turn (to Everything There is a Season),” introduced by Pete Seeger in 1962 and further popularized by the Byrds in 1965, and then by Bob Dylan, was directly lifted from the Book of Kohelet.
It was Kohelet who said, “There is nothing new beneath the sun,” but I wonder if he would have come to the same conclusion if the king had beheld an Iphone.
The book of Kohelet is a very sobering examination of life. Its message is ultimately a religious one – “the sum of the matter, when all has been considered: fear G-d and keep his commandments, for that is man’s whole duty” -- but along the way, he offers some sage advice for business owners.
“Two are better than one, for they get a greater return for their labor. For should they fall, one can raise the other; but woe to him who is alone when he falls and there is no one to raise him.”
“A lover of money will never be satisfied with money; a lover of abundance has no wheat…Sweet is the work of the laborer, whether he eats little or much; the satiety of the rich does not let him sleep.”
Here’s a good one: “Do not say, ‘How was it that former times were better than these? For that is not a question prompted by wisdom.” (In other words, just get over it.)
“The toil of fools exhausts them, as one who does not know the way to town.” (A traveler could be guided properly were he to ask directions. Conversely, the fool persists in his folly to the point of exhaustion, because he refuses to consult with the wise and seek proper guidance.)
“One who watches the wind will never sow, and one who keeps his eyes on the clouds will never reap…In the morning sow your seed and in the evening do not be idle, for you cannot know which will succeed: this or that; or whether both are equally good.” (Financial advisers would call this diversification.)
Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011
"The 12 Elements of a Winning Business Idea" do you know a good business idea when you see it? It's really all about studying the business model. Most successful businesses have more in common than they have different and knowing the commonalities can save you a lot of headaches and make you a lot of money. Therefore, whether it's waste disposal or concrete mixing or baking, focus on building your business based on a proven model - it's structure - and you'll increase your chances of success.
Side Note: I post a number of tips on the Live BIG! Die Empty. Facebook page. Click the link to follow that page!
A business model is the way that costs and potential revenues interact. Put another way, a model is the structure that a particular business will use to get raw materials, add value, and sell the finished product to the market. Therefore, there are three main components to a business model:
(1) The markets and customers
(2) The services and products to be offered
(3) The distribution method
There are five rules of good business models according to Seth Godin, author of The Bootstrapper’s Bible: How to Start and Build a Business with a Great Idea and (almost) No Money (along with many, many other thought-leading books). According to Godin, one of the best business and marketing minds of the last couple of decades, a good model should be as follows:
1. Profitable – You should be certain that the revenues from sales exceed the costs of obtaining raw materials (supplies and labor) and adding your value by developing the finished product.
2. Protectible – It should be relatively difficult for a competitor to enter your market. You should at least be able to see competitors coming so that you can account for them.
3. Self-priming – Not only should your model be profitable, but each sale should generate enough profit to allow you to develop a new finished product and retain some earnings.
4. Adjustable – What happens when your competitors prove to be more formidable than you once thought? You have got to be able to change the way you do business to survive.
5. Exitable – There should be an exit strategy for your partners, investors, and for yourself. This means that even though your business might revolve around you at the onset, you should be able to build it to a point of being able to function without you.
Once you decide the specific business that you are most interested in pursuing, you should follow these guidelines of business modeling in order to increase your chances of lasting success.
Does a market exist? After all, you will need customers, right? For example, let’s say that you are the world’s foremost expert on asbestos. Asbestos is your life and you think about it all the time. Then, let’s say that you have developed a way to sell asbestos products via the Internet and have representatives local to the customer deliver them. Do you think that you will have an adequate market to allow you to reach your business revenue goals? Probably not. Asbestos sales aren’t exactly peaking right now.
I acknowledge that the example sounds silly. However, I can assure you that many people commit similar errors everyday. You must be fairly certain through observation or study that a market exists for your product. Furthermore, the market must be large enough to maintain your business. Finally, people should find it easy to understand the benefit that they receive from buying your service. People spend money to solve their problems. Are there a lot of people with the problem that you want to solve? Are they willing to pay you what you are asking to do so?
Here are a few more elements of a good business model to consider from my study, research and face-to-face interviews with successful entrepreneurs. I went back through my notes from reading books like "Good to Great" by Jim Collins and Michael Dell's writings about his successes with Dell Computers. I also poured through The Great Game of Business by Jack Stack, Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki and The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber...and dozens more. I also went through my notes from meetings with many of the most successful businessmen I've met over the years.
I blogged on some other books that I like a while back! Here are other things to look for and/or incorporate into your business model:
6. Large potential market that is (hopefully) unorganized and disjointed. One of the things Michael Dell most appreciated about the personal computing market was that many people wanted their own devices, but no one company had stepped forward to dedicate their efforts to solving that one single problem. In fact, people wanted a product so much that they were making their own computers. Dell did the same, as we know, starting off in his dorm room at The University of Texas. Soon he was in demand to make computers for other people and the rest is history. These days, there are a lot of problems out there to be solved. Can you find one begging for a solution?
7. Recurring revenue. Ideally, you want to be involved in a business that incorporates recurring revenue streams as much as possible. When you have that, once you've covered your customer acquisition costs, you'll be in the position to realize profits for the remaining life of that customer. I believe recurring revenues may be the most important element to consider when you're looking at a business idea. If you don't have recurring revenues, you need to be sure to have a way of capturing new customers and servicing them in a very cost-effective manner to be profitable.
8. Breakage. Warranties are a great example of "breakage" in action. It's a simple concept: people pay for services they may not fully consume. Another great example are health club memberships. There are sometimes ethical challenges to incorporating breakage into your business model. Here's the key: you MUST be set up to provide services if and when demanded every single time. In the case of a warranty, if people need service on their appliance, you MUST provide it. It's not an acceptable excuse that you never planned on providing service! On the other hand, if a business is able to sell a warranty, it normally turns into profit instantly. That's why Best Buy pushes them so hard!
9. Reasonably low barriers to entry (skills, capital, legal/regulatory). Whether in terms of the legal and regulatory environment or other factors, for most people it's best to enter a business without barriers set up to hinder them. Infrastructure can be another substantial hindrance. If you want to build a competitive railroad line, you need access to railways. That might be difficult to obtain. It might be easier to provide services within societal infrastructures already existing.
10. Scalable. The best businesses are easy to expand from a small operation to a large or much larger one. "Easy" is a relative term. I understand that. However - and Kiyosaki talks about this a lot - if your business requires rebuilding every time orders increase, you have to reexamine your structure and finds one that scales better. Solopreneurs struggle with this. Let's say you're offering personal chef services? You might be okay with ten clients, but what if you get 100 calls tomorrow? Can you even take 100 calls? It's best to build for scale from the very beginning. I call this "planning to succeed" because you should account for an idea really taking off as well as planning for challenging times.
11. Duplicatable. The best businesses can be duplicated. Once it works, you can take it from market to market to market or set up people to operate your business in other locations. If you're providing a specific product, in what ways can you repeat the process over and over and lowering your production costs? This is where the great Henry Ford changed the American economy. He popularized the assembly line.
12. Leverages current resources. Most entrepreneurs are going to be better off starting where they are and using the skills, resources, capital and people available to them already. Acres of Diamonds, the famous speech turned book by Russell Conwell, talks eloquently about how much most people already have available to us as we're out searching for riches elsewhere or bemoaning their lack. You can download a free copy of Acres of Diamonds here: LINK
Now that you have determined your specific business and you have done some thinking about how you will organize your company, and you are pretty sure that there are customers in the market, you are ready to start planning. If you need a simple, basic business plan to start working through your ideas, use this one: The One-Page Business Plan.
If you have other questions, get in touch with me. Entrepreneurship as a sole source of income or as part of a strategy to build multiple sources of income is going to be increasingly important in the coming months and years...more than it has ever been before!
Side Note: If you're looking for other resources, visit here: LINK
Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011
Time to Get Your Order In! DEBUT COMING SOON!
I set out to write a book that would help you learn how to identify your special, eternal purpose and begin living in it with passion, productivity and even profitability. I've included stories from my own life, lessons from scripture, exercises and studies from the best personal development coaches around along with my own insights to help you accomplish what you meant to do! And be a better, more focused person than ever before. Judging by the feedback I'm getting so far, I know it's blessing people!
"Hi Mark, Just reading your book now. Late, I know but I am loving it. I'm just taking a break to agree with you. I too believe we all have a purpose and we all will make this world better. As you said, who we are and what we do are rarely the same thing. Those 9 to 5ers could be community leaders as volunteers in a soup kitchen or as a mentor to troubled teens. Each person has a gift and a purpose. Even some of the poorest people I have met have left an impact on me by their actions. I needed your message. Every word and concept was striking a nerve. It was so awesome. I love when things affect me in such a positive way so thank you!" ~LK
"Great! Great! and Great! Motivation is bubbling inside me!" ~AA
"Thank you, man. May God increase you in wisdom. In my own words, I have learned that people who live a "10" lives are purpose driven, i.e., they live for what they are born to do." ~MM
"I have thoroughly enjoyed this. I have no comments on what "doesn't work" but I can tell you it is a "feel good" kinda book! I began to read it and became engrossed by your words. The biblical references and the personal examples you used are so on-point. Towards the end of your own story, when you spoke about your thermostat being set at "just-above average" and how you realized that you were producing at the level of expection you placed on yourself, it gave me considerable pause because I've just reached that realization myself - and it is indeed an "ah ha" moment that was long over due!!" ~TD
"Bottom line, I believe this book will inspire so many people because you are speaking to us, not "at" us. Giving constructive critcisms coupled with suggestions, possibilities and most of all - hope! Many people including myself are hungry for this knowledge - I am excited for you, and I'm certainly looking forward to being able to reading more. Thank you for sharing!" ~TM
"Very good, Mark! Goes along with my philosophy. "If you always do what you've always done, you always get what you always got". If we want sometning different in life we gotta do things different. If we want a better relationship, we gotta change the "type" of person we are interested in because the past ones obviously didn't work. If we want to change our status in life maybe we need to change who we hang out with and where we hang out. GOD BLESS YOU!" ~PJ
I read a quote once that said the reason to write a book isn’t to impart knowledge, but to learn. This means, in essence, that we should, perhaps, set out to write something when we are deficient in our own understanding. That sentiment captures my approach perfectly. I certainly would not have considered myself expert enough on the topic of empowerment to write a book on it prior to launching out. But I needed a book on empowerment (along with several other topics I hope to tackle later) that would help me personally – a tough case, if I say so myself.
I wrote the book I needed to read. On a side note, I’ve found I would have to approach several things in my life this way. A lot of times, I would have to become the mentor I was seeking. I call myself the Founder and First Student of this movement.
Further, as an author, I am not ready to concede the personal empowerment market space to Oprah Winfrey, Tony Robbins and The Secret book and DVD's. I have heard from countless people who think, as I do, that it is increasingly difficult to find good coaching that isn’t intertwined with New Age philosophies. I’ve tried to keep this book “pure” as far as the self-help shelf is concerned.
This isn’t the Bible and it’s not even a sermonic presentation so it doesn’t come close to approaching the power God’s Word can wield in our lives. However, I incorporate scripture and Biblical thought liberally throughout and without shame. I don’t stop with the Bible. Again, this isn’t a sermon. I believe “…all truth is God’s truth” as the old saying goes, and I’ve attempted to start and end all thoughts and suggestions by examining whether they “agree” with the Holy Writ.
It’s funny. One of the first editors with whom I shared my work was a Jewish woman. She told me “You know…this book is good, but it’s very Christian. You might want to consider changing that.” She shares what many of us call a Judeo-Christian heritage and wasn’t speaking from hostility. She was only pointing out how I could get a bigger market for my work if I softened or eliminated the Christian undertones. She is correct of course. I took it as a compliment.
I know you will find something in "Live BIG! Die Empty" that will help you. I pray your life is never the same after reading this just as my life has changed through the process of writing it. That was part of my goal. I wanted to change my life so thoroughly and completely and understand everything that was happening so I could offer you – every reader and audience – the same outcomes or better. I am standing in agreement with you for the absolute best for your life whoever and wherever you are!
Allow me to partner with you for real change!
Order now for only $17.95 plus handling (Regular Price $27.95) for a 36% savings with PayPal and receive BOTH the eBook and also a personally signed printed copy within a few weeks in time for you to give it as a Christmas gift (if you don't want to keep it and re-read it for yourself)!
Please remember to "Like" us on Facebook, too!
I know with this book the Lord has given me a number of keys and tools to help you be more of who you have been created to be. It's not just about having more. It's not just about being more. It's about being YOU!
PS - If you prefer to pay via check, you can send $19.95 to PO Box 377, Fresno TX 77545
Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011
When Does It Make Sense to Partner or Merge?
I've written before about how tough employment markets are encouraging people who've never been in business to seek out entrepreneurship as real options for themselves. For many this is a good development - even a predestined outcome. On the other hand, we've also seen the rise of the "solopreneur" which is to say some launch out in business alone and never add to their teams.
I learned a long time ago that if you don't have an assistant, you ARE the assistant! Whether you bring on staff or not, I still believe too many of us are working alone. Even the king of the jungle hunts in packs. This is particularly critical in challenging markets. In my research, I've found there are thirteen reasons/justifications for merging your work, business or practice with another professional or company. Consider a partnership or joint venture when:
1. There's opportunity to enter new markets or penetrate current markets more deeply.
2. You have the chance to expand your distribution capabilities.
3. You can fill strategic gaps in your organization.
4. You will increase your technological capabilities and/or acquire new skill sets.
5. Joining forces allows you to achieve a better cost structure & generate more revenue.
6. You can leverage another's brand/name.
7. There is a tangible skills transfer.
8. You can both gain competitive advantage in the marketplace.
9. A merger fits with your strategic direction.
10. Shared knowledge can improve technology.
11. Customers will receive enhanced services.
12. Improved Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) will result.
13. You can decrease operation risk.
Consider whether any of these opportunities exist for your business as you move forward into the next months and years. Proper partnership could mean the difference between survival and starvation. Partnership might also be your bridge from good to great. Personally, I would love to see more of us come together to build major enterprises instead of having so many small, but often globally insignificant (no offense) operations.
There are too many people cheering me on for me to quit...
Some people like to talk about how often immigrants come to the United States and develop themselves into successes...either in business and entrepreneurship or professional services or in education. There are usually two categories of conversation:
1. Anger that foreigners are taking what should be "ours" somehow.
2. Criticism of those who have been here longer, but haven't accomplished nearly as much.
I tend have a third point of view: curious amazement.
I like to talk to the convenience store owners, hoteliers, doctors and attorneys who most obviously didn't grow up around the corner from me in Texarkana nor in your neighborhood. I like to ask them where they're from...why they came "here" (as in why Houston? or why San Antonio specifically?)...why they have been successful in business or education? Things like that.
Most often I discover that they aren't any smarter, well connected or richer than most people. There is one thing they tend to have in large doses: immeasurable determination! They tell me things like "I have to make it! There are too many people who've done too much to get me here!"
I've also been told..."Do you know how much is costs to hire an English tutor in my country? This is a huge investment." I've been told... "It's such a privilege to be here. I can't stop until I've done enough to help out my people."
These are the things I hear all the time. All the time. Like I said...I am amazed, inspired and encouraged when I hear these tales. They remind me so much of my own path. My brother told me once "As much as I've prayed for you, you'd better not quit!" Similarly with my parents, friends, church family and even Facebook friends...there are too many people praying for me and cheering me on to quit. Too many people have invested too much energy into helping me for me to not give it my best effort.
Maybe that's what we all need to realize?
"Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us..." ~Hebrews 12:1 (NASB)
1. Anger that foreigners are taking what should be "ours" somehow.
2. Criticism of those who have been here longer, but haven't accomplished nearly as much.
I tend have a third point of view: curious amazement.
I like to talk to the convenience store owners, hoteliers, doctors and attorneys who most obviously didn't grow up around the corner from me in Texarkana nor in your neighborhood. I like to ask them where they're from...why they came "here" (as in why Houston? or why San Antonio specifically?)...why they have been successful in business or education? Things like that.
Most often I discover that they aren't any smarter, well connected or richer than most people. There is one thing they tend to have in large doses: immeasurable determination! They tell me things like "I have to make it! There are too many people who've done too much to get me here!"
I've also been told..."Do you know how much is costs to hire an English tutor in my country? This is a huge investment." I've been told... "It's such a privilege to be here. I can't stop until I've done enough to help out my people."
These are the things I hear all the time. All the time. Like I said...I am amazed, inspired and encouraged when I hear these tales. They remind me so much of my own path. My brother told me once "As much as I've prayed for you, you'd better not quit!" Similarly with my parents, friends, church family and even Facebook friends...there are too many people praying for me and cheering me on to quit. Too many people have invested too much energy into helping me for me to not give it my best effort.
Maybe that's what we all need to realize?
"Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us..." ~Hebrews 12:1 (NASB)
Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011
Iron Sharpens Iron...
"Iron sharpens iron, So one man sharpens another." Proverbs 27:17
If there's an area of your life in which you're dull, change your associations in that area and watch the difference it makes! This is what I'm living right now. God has blessed me to come into the acquaintance of some really sharp people these days. They are all sharpening me, expanding me and knocking off the rough areas in my life. Most of them probably don't even know it. They are all incredible and I am grateful...too many people to list.
Here's what I've learned...
Need to lose weight? Spend more time with slender people. Pay attention to how they live, walk (generally faster), eat (amount and food choices) and exercise (taking the stairs instead of the elevator)...for example. If you can't spend time with them, at least watch them shop. What's in their basket at the supermarket versus yours? There's an a-ha! moment in there. Take a look at your surroundings the next time you go to a buffet or fast food restaurant. How do the people look?
Need to earn more money? Spend more time with people who earn more and save more than you do. How are they prioritizing their time? How are they employing their gifts and skills? How do their habits contrast with those who aren't getting ahead financially? What have their career choices been? How did they get into the field? Ask them some questions and you'll learn a lot. They'll be impressed that you're asking and you'll both walk away benefited. Trust me. Here's a key: what kind of language do they use? Do they live life or let life "happen" to them? You'll experience another a-ha! moment.
Dissatisfied with your relationships? How do the happily married people you know relate to one another? What do they value in a partner? How do their actions and attitudes contrast with those who aren't living the kind of life you want to have? I'd be willing to bet that the things most single people consider "dealbreakers" or things they "don't put up with" won't appear on the Top 20 of most married people. They've learned what's important and what just isn't worth stressing over. Their list of what isn't important is typically much longer than their list of what is.
One thing I've learned about money, for instance, is that people who earn more money and keep more of what they earn are those who TALK ABOUT MONEY. Poorer people avoid talking about money, but instead prioritize entertainment and gossip as preferred subjects. Spend some time around people who are prospering and you'll see what I mean. The wealthy will openly discuss their savings plans, balances, credit scores, strategies, successes and even their struggles whether current or past. When I started moving in more affluent circles, I was first shocked at how different their conversations were as contrasted with my less wealthy friends.
Solomon reminded us this way. He said "He who walks with wise men will be wise, But the companion of fools will suffer harm." (Proverbs 13:20 (NASB)) Indeed he was a wise man.
Growing shiitake mushrooms

and preparation, these fungi are used both raw and sun-dried, but many people prefer them sun-dried, considering that the sun improves their vitamin component.
The selling price of these mushrooms is approximately 10-15 EUR / kg.
These mushrooms can be obtained by two methods:
1. The bag-growing method:
Here you can see this method implemented at a large scale:
2. Log-growing method:
This consists in making holes in the logs and inoculating them with shiitake spawn. Mycelium is sold in different forms; there are even alternative forms of caps which are inserted into holes just made.
-Optimal wood to use: oak, alder, ash, chestnut, beech, walnut.
-Wood-Thickness: 10 - 25 cm
-Max. Wood: 120 cm
-Hole-depth approx: 5 cm
-Distance between holes approximately 10 cm
-Optimal storage humidity: 35-60%
-Frequency of irrigation: 1 / 2 weeks
Here you can see the method on the logs:
This consists in making holes in the logs and inoculating them with shiitake spawn. Mycelium is sold in different forms; there are even alternative forms of caps which are inserted into holes just made.
-Optimal wood to use: oak, alder, ash, chestnut, beech, walnut.
-Wood-Thickness: 10 - 25 cm
-Max. Wood: 120 cm
-Hole-depth approx: 5 cm
-Distance between holes approximately 10 cm
-Optimal storage humidity: 35-60%
-Frequency of irrigation: 1 / 2 weeks
Here you can see the method on the logs:
Resources needed: - a very rigorous documentation
- Choose the most convenient ways to increase your production
- Acquisition expenses for the mycelium (Approximate price: 10 EUR -100 bung; on specialized sites there are references to cheaper sources)
- Availability of space / land for cultivation
- Choose the most convenient ways to increase your production
- Acquisition expenses for the mycelium (Approximate price: 10 EUR -100 bung; on specialized sites there are references to cheaper sources)
- Availability of space / land for cultivation
Advantages: - the selling price is very high
- The investment is relatively small
-the growth process is simple
- big market demand for this type of product
Disadvantages: - errors of production may occur in case of a superficial documentation
Conclusion: It is a business that does not require great physical and financial effort, but with a little patience and attention in meeting the conditions of growth, anyone who chooses to invest in this activity can make a considerable profit.
- The investment is relatively small
-the growth process is simple
- big market demand for this type of product
Disadvantages: - errors of production may occur in case of a superficial documentation
Conclusion: It is a business that does not require great physical and financial effort, but with a little patience and attention in meeting the conditions of growth, anyone who chooses to invest in this activity can make a considerable profit.
Mini-popcorn (PopSorghum)

food stores.
Resources needed: - documentation on the entire process of production
- Experimentation process until the product reaches the best form possible
- Realization of the desired sale method
- Acquisition expenses for the desired quantities of sorghum
- Expenditure on procurement of various tools and packages necessary for the production and the marketing
Advantages: - it is an innovative product
- In many countries this product does not exist yet
- Experimentation process until the product reaches the best form possible
- Realization of the desired sale method
- Acquisition expenses for the desired quantities of sorghum
- Expenditure on procurement of various tools and packages necessary for the production and the marketing
Advantages: - it is an innovative product
- In many countries this product does not exist yet
- The investment is very small
- One could have monopoly on the market
- The production is very simple
Disadvantages: - if you have a good sales strategy, this product does not have drawbacks.
Conclusion: This product will soon appear in many countries, and innovation, market success and higher quality than traditional popcorn, can bring the investors significant sums.
- One could have monopoly on the market
- The production is very simple
Disadvantages: - if you have a good sales strategy, this product does not have drawbacks.
Conclusion: This product will soon appear in many countries, and innovation, market success and higher quality than traditional popcorn, can bring the investors significant sums.
Beer Mustard

Resources needed: - acquisition expenses for the ingredients
- production space for this activity
- Acquiring the necessary tools and dishes
- Acquisition of jars for bottling
Advantages: - small investment
-it is a homemade recipe, easily realized
- it is placed on a friendly market
Disadvantages: -it can cause problems in terms of compliance with food legislation and bottling the product
Conclusion: It is very interesting and easy to do, and can bring significant profits to those who choose to invest in this business.
- production space for this activity
- Acquiring the necessary tools and dishes
- Acquisition of jars for bottling
Advantages: - small investment
-it is a homemade recipe, easily realized
- it is placed on a friendly market
Disadvantages: -it can cause problems in terms of compliance with food legislation and bottling the product
Conclusion: It is very interesting and easy to do, and can bring significant profits to those who choose to invest in this business.
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