Senin, 26 September 2011
How is the Economy Impacting Your Relationships?
I had the pleasure of being a guest on "Update with Doris Bailey" this past weekend with Guest Host, Philip Lowe. It was a great conversation discussing how the current economic crisis is impacting relationships...and what can be done. I shared three of the five things I think couples can do on the radio show. Here are those three plus the two I didn't have time to share...
1. Don't deny you're in a changed financial situation. I've seen a lot of people fail to come to grips with the fact that things will be different financially when one or both lose employment or have their income otherwise reduced. They keep going along as if nothing happened.
2. Re-embrace deferred gratification as a financial strategy. Waiting is a good and necessary thing. Get the children involved if you can. You'll be surprised at how willing they will be to help the household make THIS vs. THAT decisions...or the NOW vs. LATER decisions.
3. As I learned from my old corporate days, when you have to make cuts, CUT ONCE AND CUT DEEPLY! It hurts your psyche more to bleed, bleed and bleed continually over a long period. It's best to cut as deeply as you can (more deeply than you might think is reasonable) and do it all at once. Examples will come to your own mind, I'm sure. Here's one...don't just cut the extra channels from the cable package...cut the cable! Don't just cut down on going out to eat. Stop it all! Even (especially?) the fast food!
4. Double-down on building up your relationship skills. Change is stressful. Become more intent upon getting through it together. Sit down and talk strategy and roles. For some couples this may be the only time they've had such a discussion in years - maybe ever. When better to do than when trying to navigate a path together?
5. Only speak what you want manifested in your lives! No "woe is us" talk is allowed. Remain confident that you'll come through it, come through it together and be better on the other side of this temporary situation. Oh...that's the other thing to remind yourself. It's temporary. Everything on this side of eternity is temporary. Be encouraged!
Jumat, 23 September 2011
Do you ever have those days or weeks where you feel stressed out of your mind?! There has been so much coming at me this week (in a good way) and that's where I am a little bit. I'm blogging this right now as a way to stop and force myself to breathe, de-stress and meditate on God's promises over my life? Too religious for some people, I'm sure.
Still...the reality is I have those times just like everyone else. Maybe more than some. Therefore, I am going to do four things before I get back to work:
1. Take several deep, very deep breaths.
2. Force myself to smile.
3. Remind myself of all the promises the Lord has made me regarding my future.
4. Take a step in that direction.
I posted on my Facebook page and I've blogged about it before how sometimes the challenges that we have in front of us look not only challenging, but overwhelming! "How can I do THAT!? I don't even know where to start!" I'm going to do the only thing any of us can do in those moments: breathe, smile, trust God and move forward.
I've already prayed asking the Lord for wisdom, guidance and favor. As a Believer, I have to trust that God hears and answers my prayers...that they aren't just exercises in speaking words into the air. Therefore, the only thing left is to add the only two ingredients I can inject into the equation: faith and action.
I hope you're doing the same!
Rabu, 21 September 2011
How Owning Stocks is Like Having a Moody Girlfriend
Selasa, 20 September 2011
10 Ultimate No B.S. #MonsterTips to Help You Sell More and Earn More Money NOW!
I've packaged several other tips into an and eBook that I'm making available to you. This offer is worth thousands upon thousands of dollars in commissions you'll earn. There's no doubt in my mind! None! I've packaged some bonus material with it to help you with your mindset, your understanding of entrepreneurship and financing, your motivation and more. Lots of stuff for the business owner, manager, entrepreneur and leader - really this is for everybody who needs to get sharper and produce more revenue in their chosen field.
Completely updated! If you are a small business owner, here's an eBook you NEED to buy today!
Just click THIS LINK to purchase via PayPal and you'll get everything emailed directly to you!
EVERY role you operate in is a sales job. You might as well get used to it.
People tell me all the time they’re working in various field because they HATE selling. Or, when looking for new jobs, they avoid the entire section of the listings under “Sales” and keep looking. I’ve been a business owner for years and was a hiring manager before that. When I ask the interviewee for their questions of me, what do you think comes to the top of the list after “how much does the position pay?” The very next question is usually some variation of “I don’t have to do any selling, do I?”
Every job, every role, every function requires dealing with people. Everything is sales. Even if you’re a teacher, you have to sell the school district on hiring you or you’ll remain unemployed. If you run a non-profit, you have to sell people on donating to your cause. Again, to my teachers, excellence in your job involves selling young people on why they need to do their best with the selected material. If you’re a minister, you have to sell people on Christ or to your point of view. Even if they buy your point of view, you still need to sell them on the idea of supporting you financially. Everything is sales.
Get used to it so you can begin to excel in it.
You can begin to sell like a monster, too! Order my eBook and you're on your way!
Just click THIS LINK!
Mark Anthony McCray helps people live on PURPOSE, achieve higher PERFORMANCE and experience true PROSPERITY. Be sure to subscribe to this blog so you don't miss a thing and forward this to a friend if you found it helpful. All material © Copyright, Mark Anthony McCray unless otherwise noted!
He can be reached in the following ways:
Phone: 281-846-5720
Twitter: @LiveBIGDieEmpty
For more information on Mark as a speaker or presenter check out
Sabtu, 17 September 2011
Live Blogging from the Financial Empowerment Workshop
What an interesting group! The organizers, Althea Morris and Debra Bann, have done a stupendous job putting this event together. I am one of five speakers and I will be sharing in a few minutes....I am talking about "7 Steps to Financial Turn-around" and so I will blog again later to wrap up my thoughts for the day. speech went great! John Cruise is talking now! He is talking about no longer making plans off the top of your head. Also talking about the value of carrying cash on your person at all times.
...John Whaley did a great job talking about how to raise Investors through social media for your business. Everybody here is named John except me!
This event is going great. No happy talk. Truth! Lots of good information being shared today. I was able to help some people today I am sure!
Debra Bann is coming next. She is talking about social media. Rod Gist will be the last speaker of the night. I'm sure I'll get a chance to share more of their information later. Debra shared so much information I'll have to download her presentation.
Here's some of the initial feedback:
"Spent the afternoon at the Financial Empowerment Seminar! Great wisdom went forth in that place! I was challenged by Mark Anthony McCray and several other excellent and eloquent speakers who shared their hearts and wisdom! GREAT job Mark!"
I could not get to sleep last night I was so excited about the information shared at the conference. FABULOUS EVENT! EXCELLENT INFORMATION! AMAZING PEOPLE! I thank all of you for reaching out and sharing your wealth of knowledge with the community. Already telling folks to get ready for the next one! I can't wait!
"I have had the distinct pleasure of being a guest in one of Mark's public speaking events. His passion for educating persons not only can be felt in his delivery but his topics are very relevant and easy to understand. Mark's life principles compel you to make monumental changes in your everyday actions that will ultimately lead you to "Live Big & Die Empty!""
"If you have an event planned now or in the future, you will want to schedule Mark as one of your featured speakers. Just this past Saturday he spoke at my event and rocked the house with 7 key steps for a "Financial Plan for Americans".
"That was a life changing event for me. I can't believe I learned so much for so little in such a short time! I will never look at finances the same again. You and the other speakers taught me that in order to be gain wealth, I must understand it & to understand it I must educate myself by reading & learning from others who have amassed wealth. You can't transcend lack by listening to people who are living in lack! Good word today Mark! Thank you so much for inviting me. I can't wait until the next one & I will bring an army with me! Everyone needs to hear this word!"
Also, I can't wait until we do this again! This information has to get out! I'm sure I'll be doing something for Live BIG! Die Empty. too!
Jumat, 16 September 2011
Blogging Live from the Texas Social Media Expo
...I am here at the Texas Social Media Expo about to speak on using social media to establish your personal brand. As a Certified Facebook Addict, the organizer thought I would be a good person to bring in for a panel. He's right!
The speaker before me, John Phillippe (I wonder if he's any relation to Ryan?), is discussing some basics that everyone should cover before diving in. Here are some key points from Z Salvo:
1. Post something somewhere everyday.
2. Decide what pain you are solving for people.
3. Decide why people want to connect with you.
4. Capture the name of everyone who visits you whenever you can.
5. Make it easy for people to do business with you.
Good reminders and he did a great, great job! I would write more but I'm focused on what I need to communicate. He brought me up and helped me shoot some video, so that knocked out some of the nerves! I will be talking from my "10 Be's of Social Media" blog post. Should be fun. I need more speaking engagements.
Minggu, 04 September 2011
Natural bath sponge - growing luffa cylindrica

removing dead cells on its surface. This product can also be transformed into a bio soap, which consists of embedding into the luffa sponge an all natural soap.
For optimal growth conditions, cylindrical loofah needs a lot of light and heat, but excess water is not indicated.
Resources needed: - availability of land for starting the culture
- Acquisition of luffa seeds
- Tools needed for drying, slicing and packaging the final product
Pros: - Natural products are increasingly sought
- Vegetable sponge is very easy to produce, Luffa is dried and then sliced according to the desired size
- Selling price of the final product is quite high
Cons: - Impediments in the growth process of the plant
Conclusions: In a market that is moving increasingly towards more natural products, this product can prove to be a success.
Vertical gardens

have obtained the waterproof material, holes are made on the wall, then you have to set these waterproof "nests", add soil and plant the plants you want. One such service is charged per vertical garden square meter and prices are based on size and rarity of the plants that will be planted. Here you can see an example of how to set up this garden:
- Importing waterproof "nests" or a similar insulating material
- Promotion of the service (on/offline)
Pros: - Small investment
- There seems to be a big enough interest for such arrangements
- Customer advantages: space saving, much more aesthetic than conventional pots, waterproof material prevent water leaking on the surfaces of wall or furniture in the room.
- A very easy making process
Cons: - if there is good and effective advertizing, this business does not have disadvantages
Conclusion: It is a business with a small investment; the profit is directly proportional to the involvement, interest and promotion of the service.
Magnetic business cards

magnetic cards are sold for about 0,5 euro/card.
Here you can see the advantages of magnetic cards:
Resources needed: - professional printer
- Self-adhesive magnetic sheet
- Product promotion
- Some knowledge of design
- Practice a lot to obtain an effective commercial aspect
Pros: - the investment is insignificant
- If the product is implemented and promoted right, the profits are considerable
- The characteristics of this type product creates many advantages over the traditional cards
Cons: - if the quality of the making process is repsected, this product does not have disadvantages
Conclusion: It is a product that can easily make it on the market, with important advantages on its side. Profits can be obtained with a very small investment.
Kamis, 01 September 2011
Listen Your Way to Greater Success!
It is said that you can learn enough to equal a college degree if you listen to just a couple hours a day of instructional and inspirational audio programs. You can learn a language in your car or pick up a new skill while talking a walk. Depending on your job, you can even listen to audio programs while you work. I like to do all of those!
Here are some free downloads for you. Just click the link to listen or download to listen later. Everything is in the easy MP3 format. I have listened to each of these regularly to help keep my mind healthy and focused on my vision and goals. Let me know what you think!
"Prayer, Praise and Persistence" by Tope Koleoso
This is a great sermon that reminds you of the power of prayer and helps lead you into the right attitudes and understandings regarding prayer. I am firm believer that we must begin to seek God's face and tap into His power more than ever in these days. Pastor Koleoso, or Tope, as members of his fellowship call him, is an invaluable resource to the Body of Christ.
Download Here: LINK
"No Dream is Too Big" by Vic Johnson
I can't say enough about Vic Johnson and his diligent work to help people get focused and stay motivated towards their goals. Every few weeks, I pull this program back up to remind myself to keep pressing. Hopefully, it can be a great resource to you, as well.
Download Here: LINK
"As a Man Thinketh" by James Allen
Allen's most famous book, As a Man Thinketh, was published in 1902. It is now considered a classic self-help book. Its underlying premise is that noble thoughts make a noble person, while lowly thoughts make a miserable person. Of course, he's not the originator of this viewpoint. Solomon gets credit for that!
Download Here: LINK
"How to Live Debt-Free" by John Cummuta
Listen to sound advice to crash proof your life and protect your family from losing your income or future savings. This proven step-by-step financial plan is what you need to rid yourself of debt and enjoy more wealth.
Download Here: LINK
"How to Become the Leader in Your Field" by Earl Nightingale
Spend just 1 hour a day doing this and you'll catapult yourself to the top of your career. And after one year, you'll have nearly a seven-week advantage on all of your colleagues — enough to completely revolutionize your life.
Download Here: LINK
"How to Earn Thousands Brokering Hard Money Loans" by Mark Anthony McCray
The last is a very specialized program for people who work in the real estate profession. If you don't work in real estate, it won't be worth a lot to you. If you work in real estate and want to understand how the big money deals are closed, you need it!
Download Here: LINK
I hope you enjoy! Send me your thoughts! What else would you like to hear?? Please share this with someone you know who may be looking for a little bit of encouragement this day...and please, please, please remember to join my "Live BIG! Die Empty." Facebook page. I want to stay connected with you!