Here I am once again, in my office at 7:00 a.m. on a Friday before a holiday weekend, crunching numbers, assessing my progress, developing strategies to help me stand out from the competition. There was no traffic on the Long Island Expressway this morning – going west that is – just me and a couple of other shmendricks driving away from the sun.
An American Robin, by coincidence or by providence, has just landed on the hurricane fence that surrounds the rear yard of my office, carrying nesting material in his beak. He jerks his head nervously in all directions, scanning the environment for predators, seeking more nesting material or perhaps a good worm. Now, here’s a creature I can relate to, up early, building a nest for his family, cognizant and ever watchful of dangers in his environment. He’s not going to the Hamptons for the weekend. He has a family to protect and feed.
I am not complaining about being here at the office today, while others are headed toward pleasure. The quiet and stillness before an impending holiday removes the urgency of an ordinary business day, and lends clarity to the mind. It’s a wonderful time to think and plan.
I know that my phones will be relatively quiet today, but past experience has taught me that I’m likely to get a good call. Pre-holiday Fridays, it seems, bring out the customers with the most urgent need.
The robin that arrived outside my window before by such timely coincidence has now flown off. His tiny brain understands the imperatives of survival that many people seem to miss. I'm sure he's not chirping “Ah, there’s no point in working today. Everybody is already in holiday mode.” He's chirping, "It's another day. Gotta get on with it. Maybe we'll barbecue on Sunday."
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