No word that the Lord has ever spoken to me has failed. Not ever.
That's my declaration and reminder to you (and to myself) today. When times are tough, as they are for many of us these days, it's only natural to become lose hope. But we must not lose hope. We must have faith and continue to press on, knowing that God has his children accounted for in His plan. If you love God and are called according to His purpose, in Christ, He promises that He works all things together for your good (Romans 8:28).
All things.
The next time you're feeling down in the dumps and despondent, try to remember that. Meditate on that word from God: all things.
Do not fear. Trust in the Lord and He will work all things out. It's absolutely critical that you get this deep down in your spirit so you can operate in vision instead of survival mode. Success in any endeavor requires taking the long view...and you can't take the long view if you're worried about this afternoon, this business deal, this negotiation, this next paycheck, this investment.

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