Rabu, 30 Maret 2011

10 Ultimate No B.S. #MonsterTips to Help You Sell More and Earn More Money NOW!

Wow! What can I say???

I'm starting to get some feedback from my first readers and I'm so excited I couldn't help but share! Not to be too commercial about it, but you can order your copy today by clicking here: https://payhip.com/b/rMZq If you're reading this on my blog, just click the button to the right -->

"I really enjoyed reading your information. I have to admit that I am one of those people who NEVER want to be in sales. After reading this, I realize that I am in sales, regardless. Commencing shortly, I will be embarking on a new adventure that will need to be sold. I am actually thankful to have read this information right at this time. It gave me some really useful tips for sure. I like your style of writing....very personal, not too technical and easy to follow. Great sports analogies too. I love football!!! I also like how you add the "God" (spiritual) advice. This could be not a great thing for some readers but I appreciate it. I like the flow, the information is good and the style is GREAT!!!! Always a pleasure to read your work, sir." ~L.K.

Here's a little more!

"Mark, you have such a good book here! I was ready to not "need" this subject much, but I ate up every word. Wish I could say just the right thing for your blog about Monster, I sure want to read every other thing you ever wrote.

Dont just say "so-and-so says Mark is a HECK of a good writer" (but say that too). I mean you are a damn good writer. There were times I had pea-green flashes of jealousy. The value of the BOOK, the uniquely valuable info, is much greater than your turn of phrase.

You have really thought deeply about this and about application of it to every human venture (besides monasticism, I think): you have my unreserved admiration.

Good opportunities (questions posed with space to write) to promptly write our answers, to:
- personalize the information so we dont gain simply more generalized theoretical knowledge,
- create valuable notes to keep,
- prove to ourselves the information we just read,
- and begin right away to make a change, and think differently.

I sincerely hope, and I urge you not to rewrite any of the content or language. I know it could be less colorful, and some writers will think it should be. But that would ruin it. As it is, this subject is better served by the personal feel, as if a REALLY competent and experienced friend is speaking to us very, very frankly. So useful this way, it succeeds in "getting through" -- on what many would consider an arcane subject.

Meanwhile, the language is polished and erudite, without being stuffy. Clear thinking and clear description says more about YOU than your subject, it validates your "found knowledge".

Love this, so glad I got to read it."
~ P.A.

Get a copy for yourself and connect with me!

Again, you can order and download your copy here: ORDER LINK

You will make my day! Thank you!

Mark Anthony McCray is the Founder of "Live Big, Die Empty" a movement designed to help people live life more abundantly and walk in the purposes for which they were created. Write me at mark@livebigdieempty.com for more information or call 832-566-2001. Follow Mark on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/MARKMCCRAY and http://www.twitter.com/LiveBigDieEmpty

If you're interested in learning more about Mark Anthony McCray and having him speak to your group, here's a complete bio: MEET MARK ANTHONY McCRAY!

Sabtu, 26 Maret 2011

"The 15-Minute Rule"

There's a very simple way to make progress when you're feeling like you have too much to do. It's called "The 15-Minute Rule" and it's simply this: ANYONE can do ANYTHING for 15 minutes!

So, now, instead of feeling overwhelmed with the enormity of the project in front of you, just decide...no DETERMINE...in your mind that you will spend 15 solid minutes on it no matter what.

The magic of this approach is three-fold:

1. You'll feel better about yourself for making progress and this will fuel more good feelings because you'll know you're getting closer to your larger goal. (You've written your goals out right? If not...you probably need to attend my "Live BIG. Die Empty" Purpose & Empowerment Workshop on April 30!)

2. You will usually become so energized that you'll go far beyond 15 minutes. This is a great thing.

If you choose not to work beyond 15 minutes, no worries! You've moved your vision forward in some important ways. Do you see now that 15 focused minutes can change your life?

What are some of your personal productivity tips?

Selasa, 22 Maret 2011

The "Live Big. Die Empty. PURPOSE & EMPOWERMENT Bootcamp" !!!

What are you doing from 10AM to Noon on April 30?

If you're feeling at ALL like you're lacking the focus, fulfillment and success that you desire out of life, you need to be spending that time with me!

Click here to register or keep reading: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=UTQMEPYSUF2SW

I've said it before, but consider something: How would you rate your life on a scale from 1 to 10? Honestly? If your answer is anything below an 8, you have to face the fact that all you've learned and experienced, every relationship you have or have had, everything you've been up to this point...has not given you a fulfilled life.

I'm not trying to make you feel uncomfortable without offering a solution, but it's time to get new information and a new way of understanding what you already know.

You're not alone. There are people who can honestly answer 8 or above. That's great! Still, we were created for a 10 life so we all have room to grow!

Who is Mark Anthony McCray and why do I keep telling people about "Live Big. Die Empty" all the time?

I am a regular guy with a lot of passion born from pain and promise. Some would consider me to have been a successful person, but I always knew that there was much more inside me than my outside world reflected. I never compared myself to others, but to the man that I knew I could be…that I was SUPPOSED to be. I got tired of not being that person who God created me to be. Sick and tired. Crying tears tired. I know a number of you have been there, too.

In my life I have launched several businesses, worked in full-time ministry, participated in a number of charitable and volunteer activities, served on advisory boards and political committees and more. I’ve never been one to slide through life hiding in a corner. That’s just not me. But I knew I wasn’t “successful” in the way I knew I wanted to be. Not only was I not enjoying life and getting the most out of it, but I certainly wasn’t living abundantly. Jesus said that He came that we would have life more abundantly. I wasn’t experiencing that kind of life and obviously didn’t have a clue as to how to get it.

What you will learn in this workshop:

I started seeking God for answers on this topic:
How can a person be truly successful?
What is success?
How can I live a big life instead of the small life in which I felt stuck?
How can I bring to pass all the visions and dreams that I felt like the Lord had trapped in my heart?
How can I live big and die empty?

I've got some of the answers now and I can help you discover yours. Be one of the few people with me on April 30 and we'll make some discoveries together! The cost is only $25 to cover materials and refreshments!!

I've created some exercises and tools that will help you change your life FOREVER and I'm excited to share them with you!

You can begin to “Live Big and Die Empty”, now!

1. Start by "Liking" this page http://www.facebook.com/LiveBigDieEmpty and you're on your way! I share encouragements and tips through my blog there frequently.

2. Use this link to register for the workshop!!! https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=UTQMEPYSUF2SW

3. Finally, I want to encourage you to pre-order your copy of my book, "Live Big. Die Empty", today for only $17.95 and get the guidance you need to take your life to a new level. Filled with powerful exercises and observations that will revolutionize the way you look at yourself and your life, you need this if your tired of living a small life. Pre-orders get an autographed copy and this special introductory pricing!


Mark Anthony McCray is the Founder of "Live BIG, Die Empty" a movement designed to help people live life more abundantly and walk in the purposes for which they were created. Write me at markanthonymccray@gmail.com for more information or call 832-566-2001. Follow Mark on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/MARKMCCRAY and http://www.twitter.com/LiveBigDieEmpty

If you're interested in learning more about Mark Anthony McCray and having him speak to your group, here's a complete bio: MEET MARK ANTHONY McCRAY!

Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

Attitude Makes The Difference, Be Positive!

Attitude Makes The Difference, Be Positive!
by Al Smith

I am sorry this article is so long, just bear with me because the material is so important to digest. For beginning goal setters, thought is crucial to their success.

You could literally change your life overnight just by changing the way you think, and your attitude so you see more things in a positive light. That is the power of positive thinking.
But most people think negatively – it seems to be human nature to always try to out-guess the worst thing that could happen and it often seems that even when things are going good there is someone around to put a negative spin on your success.

Thinking positively involves being optimistic, or positive, even in the most dire situations. If you think about it, no matter how bad things seem to you there is probably someone much worse off and you have many things to be thankful for no matter what situation you’re in.
If you are thinking about all the good stuff, then you can’t possibly be thinking about the bad stuff . . . Your mind can only hold one thought at a time, why not make it a positive thought?

Positive thinking doesn’t only have to do with bad situations it has to do with your everyday thought process.

Since positive thinking is not something that many are used to doing, you might have to retrain your brain to always think positively. The next time you’re in a conversation, or situation arises think about your attitude towards it. Catch your thought patterns.

Are you picking out the negative things and focusing on those? If so you need to ignore the negative and focus on the positive. This takes a little bit of work at first, you’ll soon find that it gets easier and easier to focus on the positive aspects of any situation.

Amazing things can happen when you practice positive thinking. The first thing you will notice is that you become much happier. Of course, this stands to reason as negative thinking can be a real downer. You can really get depressed if you think of all the negative stuff. On the other hand, positive thinking makes you joyful and happy.

The other thing you might notice is that the people around you will react in a positive way to your positive thinking. You might notice people around to being happier and you might even notice them treating you differently.

People that were rude to you before might start being polite and even happy in your presence. You might even notice things turn in your favor more often and that people are happy to help you out or go along with your ideas.

Many people who focus on positive thinking often find that their lives are made much better for it and that once they start thinking in a positive way, more positive things happen to them.
This is what some people might call the “Law Of Attraction” and others might call “Karma” and is basically the theory that whatever you focus on you get back, or simply put – what goes around comes around.

If you focus on negative and bad things that is what you’ll experience in your life, but if you focus on positive and happy things your life will be full of positive and happy events. It just stands to reason that positive thought brings about positive emotions.

So how can you implement positive thinking in your life? Here are some tips that can help you turn into a positive thinker:

1. Banish Negative Thoughts - negative thoughts are the enemy of the positive thinker so you need to get them out of your mind as soon as you feel one popping in. In order to do that you need to really be aware of your thoughts.

Some people don’t even realize the difference between negative and positive thought but one way to tell for sure is to figure out how the thought makes you feel.
If thinking a particular thought makes you feel anxious and depressed than this is a negative thought. Try to replace it with a thought that makes you feel happy and uplifted.

2. Protect Yourself From Negative Thinking People – there will always be people who think negatively and you’re probably going to be exposed to them quite often. But you cannot let their negative thinking affect you.

Don’t let them drag you down into the habit of thinking negatively. If you can, disassociate yourself from people who are negative thinkers. If you can’t disassociate yourself from them, visualize happy thoughts even when they are talking in the negative.

3. Practice Changing From Negative To Positive Thoughts – you’ll probably find yourself being caught up in negative talk. Over time you will be able to catch yourself sooner and sooner and start to replace your negative thoughts with positive thoughts.

One thing you can do is practice positive thinking. This can be done in any situation - while you are washing the dishes, driving in the car or taking a walk. Look around you and think of all the positive things about what you are doing.

Isn’t it great that you have running water to wash your dishes with? How wonderful that you have a warm home in the kitchen. When you are outside there many positive things you can think about – the beauty of nature, the wonderful sound of the birds.
Practicing positive thinking even in these normal everyday situations will help to train your brain to think positively and pick out the good things in every situation.

4. Words Are Powerful – words are very powerful, so you want to always use positive words. Avoid words like don’t and can’t. Use positive words when you’re talking others and also when you are having self conversations or thoughts.

5. Feel Positive - trying to pay attention to the way you feel. If you are feeling down, it’s not easy to be positive. But by thinking happy and positive thoughts you can lift yourself up and start to feel happy. Feeling happy every day will help you be more positive.

Positive thinking is a huge tool for you to use for your self improvement. If you think positively, you can achieve just about any goal you want because positive thinkers rarely give up. Implementing a positive attitude in your life will help you have a happier and more successful life.

Start with at least one of the above and bring more positive thoughts into your life today. Your life will change!

The Value of Having a Branch Office

It has been more than thirty years since First Choice Real Estate was founded by Steven Blumner on Main St., in Flushing, New York.  I joined my brother in business in the fall of 1983, opening a small branch office on Utopia Parkway at the other end of Flushing.  By 2004, First Choice had become the top selling residential real estate company in the borough of Queens, and was sold in November of that year.  The buyer was NRT, Inc., a name unknown to most consumers, but at the time, the largest real estate company in the world.

I believe that one of the key steps that led to the success and growth of First Choice Real Estate was the establishment of that tiny branch office on Utopia Parkway.  That office, now the site of small nail salon, had room for only five desks, but the power that it gave us was a new identity as a multiple office operation.  In the mind of the consumer, a branch office signifies growth and ambition, and is perceived as a testament to the company’s success.  In a market crowded with competition, it singled us out as a company of distinction. 

I remember the delicious feeling of having two addresses on my business card and on our company stationary.  I published a monthly newsletter at the time, called the Flushing Homeowner, which listed the Main St. office as our “Headquarters,” and our little office on Utopia as the “Branch Office.”  Once a customer called our office, and apologized:  “I’m sorry,” he said.  “I meant to call your headquarters.”  I oozed with pleasure as I hung up the phone. 

Today the former First Choice Real Estate Building on 186th Street in Fresh Meadows is now the home of the Executive Office Center at Fresh Meadows, an office building offering full service, furnished and equipped offices and virtual office solutions.

The Executive Office Center offers companies an opportunity to take the same strategic step we took in 1983 -- but at a comparatively insignificant cost.   You can open a “Queens branch office” at the Executive Office Center for a mere $39 per month.   A virtual office at the Executive Office Center gives customers the appearance of an actual office.

A number of well established attorneys have signed on at the Executive Office Center as virtual tenants.   Most have offices outside the borough, and are seeking local market penetration.  A virtual office at the Executive Office Center gives customers the appearance of an actual office, and their new Queens address broadcasts the same powerful message that conveyed with the opening of our branch office.  “We are an ambitious company.  We are confident and competent.  We are a company with whom you want to do business.

Minggu, 13 Maret 2011

"They Won't Think" by Thomas Alva Edison

EVERY MAN has some forte, something he can do better than he can do anything else. Many men, however, never find the job they are best suited for. And often this is because they do not think enough. Too many men drift lazily into any job, suited or unsuited for them; and when they don't get along well they blame everybody and everything but themselves. Grouches are nearly always pinheads, small men who have never made any effort to improve their mental capacity. The brain can be developed just the same as the muscles can be developed, if one will only take the pains to train the mind to think. Why do so many men never amount to anything? Because they don't think. I am going to have a sign put up all over my plant, reading "There is no expedient to which a man will not resort to avoid the real labor of thinking."

That is true. There is hardly a day that I do not discover how painfully true it is.

What progress individuals could make, and what progress the world would make, if thinking were given proper consideration! It seems to me that not one man in a thousand appreciates what can be accomplished by training the mind to think.

It is because they do not use their thinking powers that so many people have never developed a creditable mentality. The brain that isn't used rusts. The brain that is used responds. The brain is exactly like any other part of the body: it can be strengthened by proper exercise, by proper use. Put your arm in a sling and keep it there for a considerable length of time, and, when you take it out, you find that you can't use it. In the same way, the brain that isn't used suffers atrophy.

By developing your thinking powers you expand the capacity of your brain and attain new abilities. For example, the average person's brain does not observe a thousandth part of what the eye observes. The average brain simply fails to register the things which come before the eye. It is almost incredible how poor our powers of observation--genuine observation--are. Let me give an illustration: When we first started the incandescent lighting system we had a lamp factory at the bottom of a hill, at Menlo Park. It was a very busy time for us all. Seventy-five of us worked twenty hours every day and slept only four hours--and thrived on it.

I fed them all, and I had a man play an organ all the time we were at work. One midnight, while at lunch, a matter came up which caused me to refer to a cherry tree beside the hill leading from the main works to the lamp factory. Nobody seemed to know anything about the location of the cherry tree. This made me conduct a little investigation, and I found that although twenty-seven of these men had used this path every day for six months not one of them had ever noticed the tree.

The eye sees a great many things, but the average brain records very few of them. Indeed, nobody has the slightest conception of how little the brain 'sees' unless it has been highly trained. I remember dropping in to see a man whose duty was to watch the working of a hundred machines on a table. I asked him if everything was all right.

Yes, everything is all right, he said.

But, I had already noticed that two of the machines had stopped. I drew his attention to them, and he was mortified. He confessed that, although his sole duty was to watch and see that every machine was working, he had not noticed that these two had stopped. I could hide myself off and keep busy at thinking forever. I don't need anybody to amuse me. It is the same way with my friends John Burroughs, the naturalist, and Henry Ford, who is a natural-born mechanic. We can derive the most satisfying kind of joy from thinking and thinking and thinking.

The man who doesn't make up his mind to cultivate the habit of thinking misses the greatest pleasure in life. He not only misses the greatest pleasure, but he cannot make the most of himself. All progress, all success, springs from thinking.

Of course, even the most concentrated thinking cannot solve every new problem that the brain can conceive. It usually takes me from five to seven years to perfect a thing. Some things I have been working on for twenty-five years--and some of them are still unsolved. My average would be about seven years. The incandescent light was the hardest one of all; it took many years not only of concentrated thought but also of world-wide research. The storage battery took eight years. It took even longer to perfect the phonograph.

Which do I consider my greatest invention? Well, my reply to that would be that I like the phonograph best. Doubtless this is because I love music. And then it has brought so much joy into millions of homes all over the country, and, indeed, all over the world. Music is so helpful to the human mind that it is naturally a source of satisfaction to me that I have helped in some way to make the very finest music available to millions who could not afford to pay the price and time necessary to hear the greatest artists sing and play.

Many inventions are not suitable for the people at large because of their carelessness. Before a thing can be marketed to the masses, it must be made practically fool-proof. Its operation must be made extremely simple. That is one reason, I think, why the phonograph has been so universally adopted. Even a child can operate it.

Another reason, is that people are far more willing to pay for being amused than for anything else.

One great trouble with the world to-day is that people wander from place to place, and are never satisfied with anything. They are shiftless and thoughtless. They revolt at buckling down and doing hard work and hard thinking. They refuse to take the time and the trouble to lay solid foundations. They are too superficial, too flighty, too easily bored. They fail to adopt the right spirit toward their life work, and consequently fail to enjoy the satisfaction and the happiness which comes from doing a job, no matter what it is, absolutely in the best way within their power. Failing to find the joy which they should find in accomplishing something, they turn to every imaginable variety of amusement. Instead of learning to drink in joy through their minds, they try to find it, without effort, through their eyes and their ears--and sometimes their stomachs. It is all because they won't think, won't think!